At Genesta, we have remained steadfast in our commitment to sustainability, understanding that it is both a responsibility and an opportunity to make a positive difference.
In 2023 we jointly achieved several significant milestones with our environmental and social initiatives, that help us actively embraced sustainability in the real estate sector through a comprehensive understanding of our impacts – not only within our own operations but also throughout the entire value chain.
We report in accordance with the GRI standards and achieved a limited assurance to further substantiate our sustainability performance. The report is aligned with the principles of the UN Global Compact, INREV recommendations, and the SFTR.
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Property is about People
Genesta is committed to upholding the highest standards of business ethics, integrity, and transparency. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and bribery, and we employ a robust risk management process to detect, measure and manage risks in our operations. We follow the precautionary principle in terms of ecological responsibility, and we regularly conduct Sustainability and Health & Safety (H&S) risk assessments on our properties. Further information on how we manage sustainability-related topics can be found in our ESG Report 2023.
Our Responsible Investment Policy reflects our holistic approach to ESG matters and is our key method to manage investments in a sustainable way.
Our Code of Conduct serves as a guide for Genesta’s business relationships’ actions and interactions. Being the foundation of our company’s policies and processes, it describes what we stand for and how we do business, helping us ensure that we make the right decisions every day.
At Genesta, we aim to deliver strong, sustainable returns through sound investment and responsible management practices. We are committed to upholding our values and adhering to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical business behavior.
By staying true to these principles, we strive to prevent corruption in all its forms and ensure the long-term success of our investments. We commit to internationally agreed principles for Responsible Business Conduct (RBC), as outlined in our Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) Policy.
Genesta is a signatory to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), pledging to commit to the six principles reflecting responsible investment practices. Explore our Assessment report for the year 2023. Additionally, the UN PRI Public Transparency Report 2023 is available here.
Genesta has adopted an Exclusion Policy for business relationships. The exclusion of certain business relationships, such as primary contractors and tenants, is the act of limiting companies from doing business with Genesta, its managed funds and its subsidiaries due to their involvement in business activities that are deemed unethical, harmful to society or in breach of laws or regulations.
Genesta has implemented a human rights due diligence process. In 2023, we conducted a comprehensive Group-wide Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA), in strict adherence to the specifications of the UNGPs and the OECD Guidelines. The assessment revealed potentially salient human rights issues within Genesta’s value chain, particularly concerning construction workers and end-users/tenants.
The outcome of the assessment has led to the integration of the ESG Screening Tool for new investments in Genesta’s due diligence process as well as further development of the human rights due diligence process to mitigate all identified impacts. To follow up on the assessment and Genesta’s impacts, the Risk Manager will review the HRIA annually and update it as required.
Additionally, we have introduced a new online whistleblowing system. The platform – the Integrity Line - is designed to empower the reporting of issues related to responsible business conduct, ethical dilemmas, misconduct, or any other grievances by all internal and external stakeholders. This new platform ensures that all concerned stakeholders including employees, business partners, or tenants, can report concerns, without fear of retaliation. It offers a straightforward and confidential channel for individuals to voice concerns and can be easily accessed directly here.